UNION TERMS ASSIGNMENT Below you will find a list of definitions and a list of terms related to unions and other associations. Match the definition with the term. 1. A refusal to work because a satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated. __________________ 2. A legal step used by an employer to end a strike or other actions of employees. ___________ 3. The agreement between an employer and a union that involves wages, working conditions, fringe benefits, and so on. __________________________ 4. The person in charge of a local union. ___________________________ 5. Dental plans, pension plans, sick leave plans, etc.____________________ 6. A place of work where a person must belong to the union. ____________________ 7. A method of settling a dispute between an employer and employees by bringing in a third party. _____________________ 8. The legal procedures that a group must follow in order to become a union. _______________ 9. When workers on strike spend several hours each week in front of their place of work.___________________ 10. If some part of his or her contract is not followed, a unionized employee has the right to file a complaint in this form. __________________________________ 11. An advantage attained by length of continuous employment. _________________________ 12. A strike that takes place while a contract is still in effect. _________________________ 13. A work slowdown or a refusal to perform some duties not in the employee's job description. _______________________ 14. The closure of a place of work by an employer in order to pressure employees to agree to the terms of employment. __________________________ 15. A method of determining wages, hours, etc. through direct negotiations between the union and the employer. __________________________ 16. A cost-of-living adjustment clause. ____________________________ Local Shop Steward Wildcat Strike Strike Certification Work-to-Rule Check off Collective Bargaining COLA Grievance Seniority Closed Shop Lockout Conciliation Fringe Benefits Injunction Mediation Picket